Out with Sam, ate Chai, Steph, Mickey and Jose. Me and Sam shared the carbonara w mushroom and salmon-upper right, and also the Teriyaki something w rice-upper left 😊 Steph ate the one with the curry-lower left, and Mickey ate the one on the lower right. I don't know what it's called but its w rice, I just din't include it in the picture 😊

Cousins are here!πŸ•πŸ˜‹πŸ’“πŸ΄ #quality

Birthday date w the birthday girl (my sister) πŸ’“πŸ˜‹

Celebration for kjack 😊 Spinach dip, pizza, pasta and a lamb w rice

Mauri w @chinawilton, mommy and kjack #throwback #mauritius #paradise #bikini #food #sunset

Todo ft wt my love ones πŸ‘β˜Ίβ€πŸ˜ #food #nyfd #bonchon #tenders #mangraul's #isawbaboy #isawmanok #bbq #tenga #kfc #sbarro #bakedziti #pizza #fries #gongcha #wintermelon #hotshot #mango #bagoong

Dinner πŸ•πŸ΄β€ #yummeh #dinner #pizza

Crazy katsu w @yukaokada hihi #yummeh #japanese #food β€πŸ˜šπŸ’‹
