New york cheese cake.. garden fresh pasta.. red basil tea.. yummmyy! Had a fun and unplanned dinner with family! Haha #happytummy #coradogardencafe #dinner #gardenfreshpasta #redbasiltea #newyorkcheesecake

Had an simple yet awesome and delicious dinner last night! :) #family #bbq #bbqdinnerparty #fathersdaydinner #firstbbqparty #igers #happy #hotdog #chickenskewers #simple #tenderloin #dinner #delicious

So red and velvet-yy!! Mmm yummy! 😍🐷🍰😱#redvelvetcake #yummy #carbs #icing #mmm #piggingout #snack #dessert

OTW to isab! :) #isabela #santiagocity #otw #igers #mountainoasis #santafe #coffee #cantwait #groggy

YUM-MY!!! Crave! Crave! Crave! ;( #yummy #crave #dessert #food #desserts #TagsForLikes #yum #yummy #amazing #instagood #instafood #sweet #chocolate #cake #icecream #dessertporn #delish #foods #delicious #tasty #eat #eating #hungry #foodpics #sweettooth

Would love to make this for _____ :)))

Craving for coffee and milk tea ;(( #InstapicFrames #PicCells #ColorSplurge #InstaSplash #milktea #coffee #cow

Ate dinner and had a hot choco @ mount oasis resto in santa fe. Photo with my cool niece micah :)) #InstapicFrames #PicCells #ColorSplurge #InstaSplash #micah #hotchoco #travel #sta.fe #dinner

Good morning! :) #goodmorning #hellokitty #gotopopular #instagram #breakfast

Yummy homemade pancakes + a cup of hot cappuccino = great morning! :D how bout you? What did you have for breakfast? :)
#InstapicFrames #PicCells #ColorSplurge #InstaSplash #homemadepancakes #cappuccino #breakfast #goodmorning #beautiful #happytummy

Who said monkeys don't like apples? :D yummmmeyyy!! #InstapicFrames #PicCells #ColorSplurge #InstaSplash #apples #eating #monkey #yummy #snack