If ure in SOMA, this is a nice place to chill and soak up some south of market vibe. It's slightly upscale, only organic juices and beer are served but it's always crowded especially at lunch hrs.

This is so yummy. The green stuff you see? It's a kind of sauce made with avocado & cream, & when you pair it with the beef and the onions? oooo...

Arguably one of the best Korean restaurants in the Bay Area. This is in Albany. We were given generous servings and this kimchi pancake is the highlight. Looks inconspicuous but it's mighty in taste😋

This is a nice zen tea house in the Mission Street area.

If you do travel in this area, skip the fisherman's wharf and come to this fish house loved by locals. Awesome, fresh and cheap.

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I thought this dish was a killer! You should try it if you visit :)