Couldn't remember the dishes' name. Very plain taste with satisfied quantity. Suitable for those who love lightly taste.

The name is randomly picked, sorry I couldn't remember the name. This is delicious too, there's a roti under the chocolate. If only the chocolate is not too much.

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Can't actually remember the dishes name, but this is really delicious and it is the most favourite dishes of us after all.

The combination of marshmallow and chocolate is delicious. There's the cereal rice inside the chocolate. The quantity of chocolate is too much, and we're too full to taste another dishes.

Enjoying a 'late' breakfast with beloved friend. The boss & workers are so much friendly. The grilled mushroom and bacon are excellent! 20 bucks to fill up my empty stomach and fulfils my taste buds. Worth it!

Efficient and fresh, taste not bad. Everything is well done.

A very first self-made birthday cake guided by the student in Berjaya Time Square College. Adorable decoration with normal taste.

Sweet delicious pancake tower with orange favour fulfils my taste buds and empty stomach.

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Tasting the food while enjoying mock-tail, the chicken was delicious but sorry i couldn't remember the dishes' name.

My delicious homemade breakfast to start my day.