Kaffir Lime Butter Cake

$2.50 · 2 Reviews

How incredibly good this simple slice is! Doesn't need any cream at all as it was moist enough on its own. Texture is utterly spectacular as it is super soft and airy but as you chew it melts into this creamy substance before disappearing entirely, leaving behind only the wonderful aroma of Kaffir lime. Exceptional and really puts most of the 7-8$ sliced cake places to shame


A chat with the owner's father revealed that this began as a passion project by a young female baker-entrepreneur with a single-minded dedication to preserve the kueh-making craft, while taking traditional kueh to the next level with quality ingredients and perfected techniques.

My favourite of the trio is the Kueh Salat ($2), for which I'm nursing a craving right now. They've got the texture & flavour of the glutinous rice down pat -- moist, sticky, and fragrant. The top layer of pandan coconut custard was delightfully creamy, like a pudding. The uncommon Kueh Putugal ($2) boasts a thin, pliant skin and its sweet banana filling has a nice bite and isn't mushy at all. Something perhaps more interesting would be the Kaffir Lime Butter Cake ($2.50), infused with fresh lime juice and zest and fragranced with kaffir lime leaves. I like how its invigorating scent perfumed each bite of the fluffy, buttery cake.
