Impromptu Bak Kut Teh session with fellow uWavers. Great gathering, good food, satisfied tummy, and more importantly new friendship forged.\o/
What I had,
Pork Ribs Soup(S)($8.30)π
A comforting hot bowl of peppery style soup with 3 medium size pieces of succulent and easily debone pork ribs. Tasty and heart-warming. Price may be a bit steep but good thing was there is a free flow soup refill service so you can drink it to your heart content.π
Eating the ribs coated with spams of garlic and chilli padi with dark soya sauce is my favourite style of eating it. The sweet, savoury, spicy and bitter all at once attacking your tastebud is just shiok. Maybe, I just got weird preference for taste.π€
Mee Sua Plain($3)π
All time classic slurpy mee sua in Bak Kut Teh broth. Easy to slurp and chew and digest.
Dough Fritter(L)($4)π€©
Crunchy dough fritter is always a must to order as its goes well with Bak Kut Teh broth. Absorbing all the delicious soup for a flavour-filled dough fritter.
King's Garden Tea with Honey($2.20)π
A sweet honeylicious tea drink to clean my palate and satisfy my sweet craving.
Probably the only complain I had is the poor ordering system that doesn't allow you to check back what you have order so you need to check with the staff to see what order have gone thru. Also, they mess up some order but whatever, I gave up. Other than that, all seems well.
π©Song Fa Bak Kut Teh, 133 New Bridge Rd, 01-04, Singapore 059413
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