Bought a 1-for-1 Signature Mains Chope voucher for $19.90 which included 1-for-1 drinks as well. Chose the Indomie Goreng w/ Sate Ayam ($10.50) and the Bawal Bakar w/ Rice ($12). The chicken satay came in three skewers of huge grilled chicken chunks - very substantial and delicious by itself and with the peanut sauce. However, while the indomie was perfectly cooked, we thought the sauce it was in was too watery which was slightly off-putting. As for the grilled pomfret, it was really delicious with the sweet-savoury black sauce, with the fresh fish meat coming off the bone easily. Perfect with the white rice. Washed it all down with the lemon tea and lime juice ($3 each). They also provide some corn soup which was surprisingly good too. Overall, food was good and made even better with the Chope deal.