"Yeah. I'm into fitness. Fit'ness entire burger cheeseburger into my mouth." For this saying it's mainly referring to the latest dessert creation from the people of Hail's! Their latest plated creation is a Japanese inspired donut; they named her the Ronut.. For this dessert, you're being given the immense task and pressure to decide on only a single flavour to pair with this Ronut and along side the donut you get a crispy and crunchy sand of toasted grains and nuts with the sprinkling of sliced bananas, blueberries and strawberry.. For the price of Rm14 it is a rather filling dessert that I would suggest to take it in the afternoon unless you just solely having it as a main or supper.. The Ronut was presented beautifully with a generous amount of soft serve which I had chosen the flavour of lemon cheese.. In my humble opinion,the Ronut itself is really chewy in texture that leans more on the heavier side that reminds you of a sticky rice and thankfully for the soft serve that I had was able to counter balance with the heavy yet filling donut.. The sands also gave another texture dimension of crunchy with the soft serve and the donut.. It's advisable to share this dessert unless you have a huge tummy space as the Ronut will practically fill you up with its sticky goodness