My chocolatey-study buddy for the day :) from teamptation to MBB :) #carbonara #spaghetti #holdme #drivemecrazy #foodporn #foodoverload #fuzel @fuzelapp
Homemade beef bulgogi with kimchi rice #xoxo #beefbulgogi #kimchirice #brunch #feelingchef #rhonnadesigns
Living like a sloth #pigout #kimchioverload #baconcrisps #honeylemonicedtea #foodgasm #brunch #rhonnadesigns
Nothing's better than a home cooked breakfast specially when you cooked it yourself :3 (bacon topped kimchi butter fried rice) #feelingkorean #cheftobe #nomnomnom #foodporn #foodgasm #brunch #fuzel @fuzelapp
Because I was craving for food and starving to death (exaggerated much??), here's my dinner :3 #satisfied #cheesybaconmushroom #champ #nomnom #foodporn #buurrrp
Here's to my brunch :) #lasagna #brunch #foodporn #nomnomnom
Instant lamfornas :3 #coffee&co #InstaSize #goodvibes #rainyeve #whitemochamudslide #cookies&co #tunacasseerole #chickenpie #misterdonut
Good thing I went home early #nomnomnom #friedlumpia #foodporn #dinner
#procastination #lazyass #brunch
My rewarding brunch after a tiring way of paying for finals
#brunch #soup #cornedbeef #veggies #friedrice
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