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More sour than the usual frozen yoghurt that we have. It melted easily too. Not something I would want again but not that frustrating anyway. For me, any food is an experience whether good or bad -- it's always worth the try. 😜❤️
#burpple #simplejoys #holidayeyyy
大約是2018年最後一趟旅行了。原本不打算出國旅行的,而是去看一些可愛的孩子們。但是那裡的狀況有點混亂,基於安全考量我和隊友決定不去了。剛好行程空出了3天兩夜,於是決定和丁少去個附近的國家吃喝玩樂。出發不到一週前才決定的,沒看到什麼划算的機票於是就改看船票🤣 現在回想起來這趟旅行是有其必要性的。回國後開始以各種身分忙了起來,這才意識到在印尼的時候我之所以那麼無憂無慮是因为我是我自己。沒有其他身分標籤的束縛,也不需要跟任何人交代什麼。能夠放下一切不管要多虧了丁少。平時我一看到什麼訊息就會想要回覆,有什麼問題就想要即時解決。但是丁少總是會提醒我自己正在旅行,不應該操心而是應該好好享受當下。這三天隨心所欲,想吃就吃,不想吃就不吃,想耍廢就耍廢。
Yayyyyy to A&W Root Beer Floats!!! 🍦💕✌🏻️✌🏻️✌🏻️
#aandw #rootbeer #rootbeerfloat #childhood #childhoodmemories #icecream #sweet #yummy #delicious #food #dessert #dessertporn #icecreamlover #foodpic #foodpics #foodphotography #foodforlife #cafehoppingsg #sgcafe #foodforfuel #foodporn #foodie #foodgasm #foodstagram #igsg #foodblogger #sgblogger #burpple #burrplesg #travel
A&W and their rootbeer float! #batam #Indonesia #anw #burpple #curlyfries #rootbeerfloat #batamcentre
On the side note, I need a getaway 😫
#throwback to the Batam OCIP trip where we worked hard and.. ate much 😂