Glad to see this stall still standing after so many years, first time back in 5 years and lady boss still remembers me. I frequented this stall before my first review lol

Now having had more than a few Stellar prawn mees from everywhere, I've got to say, objectively, this is a decent bowl but not stunning. The soup was q sweet from crustaceans and it's very clean. The meepok was overdone but I guess it's quite interesting that the sambal is paired with tomato sauce.

Don't get the big prawns though, you don't get pork plus u have to peel. It's not very big either

However subjectively, this tastes like nostalgia and I really missed the nice lady boss haha.

PSA hokkien mee isn't available now, there's at least a 2 month wait, after which there will be a big piece of paper announcing its return. So don't make a trip down for their hokkien mee anytime soon