Italian 🍝🍕☕️
Stracciatella is a type of Italian soft cheese that is made from buffalo milk. The name stracciatella comes from the way the cheese “stretches” and is used in the making of burrata, the “buttered” variety.
The homemade stracciatella is served with Italian olives, raw honey, and pumpkin seeds, served with a side of toasted baguette. The stracciatella is pulled thin and fresh, with the buffalo milk mixing with the olive oil giving it a decent flavour. The punch of sweetness with the crispy pumpkin seeds add a nice sweetness and texture to the dish. Quite a heavy dish for something that looks so small but very tasty. This dish should be shared.
💵 RM23.00 / portion
💫 5 / 5
📍 #AltaCafe
#Stracciatella #Burrata
#ItalianCuisine #ItalianFood
📷 #GoodFood #Burpple #BurppleKL
The antipasti platter is served with 4 types of cold cuts including salumi Milano, prosciutto di Parma and porchetta; 3 types of cheese including tomme, parmigiano reggiano and provolone; 3 condiments including preserved mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes and pesto; and a loaf of bread.
The selection of cold cuts were perfect for a lunch meal or over a glass of wine. The 4 cold cuts were a good mix of flavours; with the prosciutto di Parma standing out the most. The porchetta had a nice layer of fat, similar to lardo. The 3 types of cheese came in soft, medium and hard, and married perfectly with the sundried tomatoes and pesto as a makeshift bruschetta. You will never find a more affordable charcuterie in Kuala Lumpur.
Appreciation to @BottegaMY and @BurppleKL.
💵 RM50.00 / portion
💫 5 / 5
#️⃣ #FoodForThought #BottegaMeditteranea #BottegaMY
#Antipasto #ColdCuts #Salami #Proscuitto #Porchetta #ParmaHam #Tomme #Parmigiano #Provolone #Formaggio #Charcuterie
🍽 #ItalianCuisine #SpanishCuisine #MediterraneanCuisine #ItalianFood #SpanishFood #MediterraneanFood
📷 #Foodstagram #Gastronogram #Burpple #BurppleKL
📍#JalanCeylon #KualaLumpur #Malaysia
New York style pizza is a hand tossed pizza, with a wide base and medium to thin crust. New York style pizzas are usually sold by the slice which is folded in half and eaten.
The pizzas at mikey's pizza can be ordered as a whole pie or done half-half. The Mama's Wild Mushroom Pizza had great earthy flavourful bites, which for pizza, the simpler the better. The Tony Soprano Pizza was layered with many types of beef, including been mince and beef slices, most likely flank. Honestly, one of the best pizzas you'll find in Kuala Lumpur.
💵 RM80.00 / pie
💫 5 / 5
#FoodForThought #MikeysOriginalNewYorkPizza #MikeysPizza
#Pizza #HalfAndHalf #TonySopranoPizza #MamasWildMushroomPizza #MusroomPizza #Meatzza
🍽 #NewYorkCuisine #AmericanCuisine #AmericanFood #StreetFood
🇺🇸 #4thofJuly #FourthOfJuly
📷 #Foodstagram #Gastronogram #Burpple #BurppleKL
📍 #Bangsar #KualaLumpur #Malaysia
Bresaola is a dry cured beef tenderloin, which has been ages before using as a cold cut. The bresaola and rocket pizza is topped with parmigiano reggiano, and baked.
The bresaola matches well with the spiciness of the rocket. The parmigiano regiano's strong flavour balances the sharp and earthy flavours, making this pizza actually, quite satisfying.
#FoodForThought #Motorino
#Bresaola #Rocket #Pizza #MoltoBene
#Burpple #BurppleKL
🍽 #ItalianCuisine #StreetFood
📷 #Foodstagram #Gastronogram
📍 #GentingHighlands #Genting #Pahang #Malaysia
👣 #FoodForThoughtXRWGenting #GentingSkyAvenue #RWGenting
Level 6 Burppler · 148 Reviews
Keep your friend's toast, and your enemy's toaster.